
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

The Death of Covid

Monday, January 02, 2023

I know I said I was done with Covid, but, well, “ US hits more than 100M COVID-19 cases “ is a way to pass the time while waiting for spring.

“This makes America the first nation to report total cases in the nine-figure range” well of course. There is no way that Tuvalu can aspire to that milestone. But what does that say about China and India?

And, as always, what is a “case” of Covid? To see how meaningless that word is, track down the official definition of a “case” in the USA, the UK, your own country (or province or state or city …).

"I think we know that a large majority of the population has already been infected with COVID," Brownstein said. I’ve been saying it all along. Back in Covidiots-Gather I wrote that everyone in Bonavista had been infected with Covid during the four months November 2019 to March 2020.

But the main reason for resurrecting the topic is a small parcel I received by Canada Post last week.

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Inside the box was a pamphlet and a violent collection of what appear to be glass tubes, pointy things, and what have you.

I love reading so I started on the pamphlet.

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Took me about ten seconds to decide that if I couldn’t read it in bright daylight with my reading spectacles, then it was far too complicated for me.

Yes, that is a sixteen-inch ruler alongside the unfurled pamphlet. And yes, it is all English; French is on the other side.

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Here I have reproduced a part of the top-left corner of the pamphlet. I am interested in RNA, Messenger-RNA, DNA and all that, but no to the extent of the “test region of the nitrocellulose membrane?

Another ten seconds of my life that will not be refunded to me.

At this stage of the game, am I supposed to jab myself? Mail something off? And if so, to where?

Where is the single sheet of paper in Arial 10pt font that says “go this Newfoundland web site” or “dial this toll-free number”?

Where was the news item that said that this was optional, mandatory, or just do the opposite of what your neighbour plans on doing?

This reeks of a massive contract to mail a kit to everyone in the province or country at government (i.e. taxpayer) expense, so a Minister of Spending can stand up and bray about how “we are looking after our people”.

Makes me wonder who “his people” are.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 10:07 AM

Copyright © 1990-2023 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.